Catherine Teatum, co-founder of the British fashion label Teatum Jones, reveals her daily diet.
7am I start every day with a handful of Brazil nuts. I've not been ill since Christmas and reckon they're the key.
7.30am It's our busiest time of year, with London Fashion Week and the launch of our new collection, so I'm already in the studio. Have porridge mixed with dried fruit and nuts, and a cup of tea made with two teabags for a caffeine hit.
8.30am Clear my inbox and plan the day with my co-designer, Rob.
9am The rest of the team arrives. I arrange the staging for a fashion show we're doing at the Dorchester hotel. I always have a bottle of water on hand.
1pm More Brazil nuts and almonds. We've got some fittings to do and the new 'look book' to finalise.
3pm I can work all day without eating but luckily my mum lives nearby and sends me off with baked fish, vegetables and potatoes, or home-made soup, to heat up in the studio kitchen.
6pm Do some pattern-cutting when it's quiet.
9pm Head home for scrambled eggs on toast with sun-dried tomatoes.
NIGEL DENBY dietitian
Catherine's passion for Brazils could help her immunity, as they are good sources of the protective antioxidant selenium. All nuts are high in protein and when combined with oats work well to keep you energised. Mum definitely saves the day with a hot, healthy meal, though. Grazing on just nuts and oats wouldn't be enough for a whole day.