Michele Severson hated the idea of dating apps. Although she had been single for several years, she had no interest in turning to her smartphone to spark her love life.
She was, however, hooked on a trivia app called QuizUp. Launched in late 2013, the app lets users compete against other real people around the world in over 450 trivia categories, including uber-specific topics like "Herbs and Spices,""Beyonce," or "Dinosaurs."
As users compete in different trivia quizzes, the app keeps track of individual stats so it can crown users as the Best in City, State, or Country in each category.
Michele had been playing QuizUp for about six months when she first "met" Jon.
The two got randomly paired up in a round of "Big Bang Theory" trivia (a show they both love).
Jon, who was much higher ranked, whipped her on game one. Through the app's messaging feature, Michele shot off a quick note: "It's hard to beat someone on that level!"
He couldn't resist a message of his own: "Well, it's hard to beat somebody with such pretty eyes."
From there, the two continued chatting.
Although Michele says that she would almost always send a quick "good game"-type message to her competitors, this was one of the first times that the conversation turned into something more substantial.
She and Jon realized that they had a lot more in common besides a penchant for Big Bang Theory and that they only lived a few states away. They kept chatting within the app, but, after two days, decided to exchange phone numbers.That first conversation, they talked on the phone for nearly 12 hours straight, staying up all night, unable to tear themselves away.
"It was magical," Michele says. "Everything just clicked."
Although QuizUp is by no means meant to inspire romances, CEO of Plain Vanilla Games, which makes the app, told Business Insider that he heard many stories about people forming friendships with other "experts" they play against. After all, QuizUp connects people who are passionate about specific topics, and shared passion is a good ingredient for love.
"If you go into discussions happening on the chatboard for the psychics category, for example, you’re going to see thousands of people talking about different theories of psychics," Fridriksson once told Business Insider. "People are practically writing essays on their mobile phones."
Jon and Michele continued talking and decided to meet up in Vegas in November, five weeks later. The match felt even better in real life than over the phone or in the app. They got married on New Years Eve. Michele says QuizUp sent them a giant card and a trivia book as a congratulations on their special day.
"It feels like a fairy tale," she says. The company told her that she and Jon were the first couple to ever find true love through its app. Even today, the two will lay in bed together playing QuizUp, Michele says.
Although the Severson's relationship started in 2014, QuizUp hit peak popularity in late 2013, becoming the fastest growing iPhone game in history and raising $22 million. Since then, however, a new trivia game has dominated the spotlight. Trivia Crack broke the record for the longest streak at the top of the app store in January. It has 20 million daily active users and 100 million registered users. QuizUp has 31 million registered users and 13 million games played per day.