Greece braces for 'turning point' election
Athens (AFP) - Greece stood Saturday on the brink of a make-or-break general election which could sweep the anti-austerity Syriza party to power and set the country on a collision course with its...
View ArticleWhy Everyone Should Be Wearing Wool Socks This Winter
If you haven't experienced the magic of wearing wool socks in the wintertime, now is the time to change that.In cold, wet weather, cotton athletic socks just won't cut it. When it gets wet, cotton...
View ArticleCrucial New Career Advice From LinkedIn's Billionaire Founder Reid Hoffman
This week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, we caught up with Reid Hoffman, the billionaire venture capitalist and cofounder of LinkedIn, a $28 billion public company.For the past...
View ArticleBenoît Cœuré On QE In Europe: 'We Had To Do Something'
European Central Bank board member Benoît Cœuré today explained why the ECB embarked on its latest, massive quantitative easing program: With Europe suffering weak and non-existent growth, and with...
View ArticleRebel leader announces launch of assault on Ukraine's Mariupol
Kiev (AFP) - A top pro-Russian rebel on Saturday announced the launch of a major offensive on Ukraine's government-held port of Mariupol, confirming responsibility for rocket fire that killed at least...
View ArticleBank Of America Is Probably Going To Regret This 'Je Suis Bullish' Email Title
Analysts are cheered for pithy research note titles, often laden with cheesy puns. But it's fair to say the one from Bank of America Merrill Lynch on Friday morning is not quite up to scratch.BAML's...
View ArticleThe Truth About The Mind-Controlling Parasite You Can Get From Your Cat
In the ongoing battle between cat-lovers and dog-lovers, dog people have a hefty weapon in their arsenal: a bizarre, mind-controlling parasite you can catch by cleaning your cat's litterbox.It's true...
View Article18 Things You Didn't Know About India
This weekend, Obama will head to India for the second time in his two-term presidency.He'll be the first president to visit the South Asian nation twice -- and the first in ages to make a long-distance...
View ArticleHere's The Budget Of A 55-Year-Old Business Owner And Cancer Survivor
In September 2013, Chris Collins purchased health insurance.Three months later, he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.Collins, a single 55-year-old in Houston, Texas, is self-employed at his personal...
View Article9 Cool Siri Tricks You Never Knew Existed
Siri is a way more powerful tool than you might think. Apple's intelligent and sometimes snarky personal assistant has plenty of little tricks built in to make your life easier, and maybe even a little...
View ArticleThe Two Things That Really Move Markets (DB, EUR, USD)
"Shock" and "awe."It's been a busy two weeks for markets, particularly currency markets, with the Swiss National Bank abandoning its peg against the euro and the European Central Bank's quantitative...
View ArticleHere Are Bank of England Governor Mark Carney's 3 Biggest Fears For The UK...
Mark Carney just finished a great panel here at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In a wide-ranging discussion of the current state of global economy, he listed two "false assumptions"...
View ArticleJapan Calls The Apparent Death Of An ISIS Hostage 'Outrageous And Unacceptable'
Japan early on Sunday strongly criticized a recording purporting to announce the execution of a Japanese citizen held by Islamic State militants and demanded the immediate release of another captive...
View ArticleThe Satya Nadella Era At Microsoft Is A Smashing Success So Far (MSFT)
Microsoft spent 2.5 hours announcing the newest version of Windows, Windows 10, at its campus in Redmond, Washington this week.That's a long time. That's about as long as a Lord Of The Rings movie....
View ArticleSteve Jobs Used This Simple Productivity Hack To Hone Apple's Focus
In the fall of 2007, newly appointed Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang went to Apple CEO Steve Jobs for help turning the foundering internet giant around.Jobs gave him and Yahoo's top executives a simple but...
View ArticleOil Inventories Are Basically Off The Chart (USO, OIL)
The collapse in crude oil prices has primarily attributed to a glut in supply.And while it's unlikely that a nearly 60% decline in the price of any asset can be attributed to just one factor, this...
View ArticleThe World's High Rollers Are Abandoning Macau — Here's Where They're Going
As China's gambling revenue falters, the high rollers that account for 60% of Macau's revenue are taking their bets elsewhere.As they retreat from Macau, junket operators are directing their efforts to...
View ArticleThe Oil Price Crash Is Forcing Central Banks Into Action All Around The World
Markets have been taken by surprise recently by central banks loosening monetary policy. But with inflation falling across the developed world, they really shouldn't be.Recent weeks have seen the Bank...
View ArticleBlackBerry Has Never Looked So Desperate
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View ArticleMarijuana Has Surprising Effects On Athletic Performance
When Olympic snowboarder Ross Rebagliati tested positive for a small amount of marijuana in his blood at the 1998 Japan games, his first-place finish was temporarily called into question.But THC, the...
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