A 72-Year-Old Man Now Has The Same Chance Of Dying As A 30-Year-Old Caveman
Humans have extended their lives more in the past 100 years than in the previous 200,000, says a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Here’s how the authors broke...
View ArticleChinese Pollution Study 'Blocked On Grounds Of State Secrecy'
China's leading environmental watchdog has refused to disclose the results of a major national soil pollution study on grounds of state secrecy, according to a lawyer who requested the report's...
View ArticleIt Would Take 2,000 Years To Identify All The Species We Still Don't Know About
The vast majority of the Earth's estimated 13 million species are still unknown and to describe them all would take up to 2,000 years, according to a leading Brazilian scientist."We estimate that there...
View ArticlePain Can Be Pleasurable If It Isn't As Bad As You Expected
Pain isn't always a pain. Sometimes it can actually feel good.People experience pleasure during a painful stimulus if the stimulus turns out to be less bad than they were expecting, new research...
View Article5 Things You Need To Know About The Bacteria That Live On And In You
As far back as we know, animals have been home to microbes. Scientists have known for some time that these tiny tenants have the ability to make humans powerfully sick, while others are vital to...
View ArticleJAPANESE MINISTER: Our Country Will Never Stop Hunting Whales
Japan's fisheries minister said Tuesday his country will never stop hunting whales, despite fierce criticism from other nations and violent clashes at sea with militant conservationists."I don't think...
View ArticleJapanese Robot Suit Approved For Worldwide Rollout
A robot suit that can help the elderly or disabled get around was given its global safety certificate in Japan on Wednesday, paving the way for its worldwide rollout.The Hybrid Assistive Limb, or HAL,...
View ArticleBendy Batteries Will Power Our Cyborg Future
Our cyborg future may not be far off.An ultra-stretchy battery could one day be used to power bionic eyeballs, brain-wave monitoring devices and robotic skins, new research suggests.The new device,...
View ArticlePeople Are Drinking A Lot More Alcohol Than They Admit
It is February, the winter is going on for ever, the economy is rubbish, and guess what? We are drinking too much.But it seems we are also seriously underestimating how much we drink. Researchers at...
View ArticleBritish Navy Discovers A Huge Canyon Beneath The Red Sea
A canyon more than 800-foot-deep has been discovered on the floor of the Red Sea by the U.K. Royal Navy's HMS Enterprise, using an echo sounder that produce 3D images of the feature.The survey ship was...
View ArticleAstronomers Are Watching A Supermassive Black Hole Spin
Astronomers have made the first reliable measurement of a supermassive black hole's spin, showcasing a technique that could help unravel the mysteries of these monsters' growth and evolution.The...
View ArticleThis 500-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature Is One Of The Oldest Ever Found
Scientists have unearthed extraordinarily preserved fossils of a 520-million-year-old sea creature, one of the earliest animal fossils ever found, according to a new study.The fossilized animal, an...
View ArticleSurgeons Should Be Trained Using The Nintendo Wii
Playing video games on the NintendoWii can help surgeons improve hand-eye coordination and should be used to enhance their training, according to a new study.A group of postgraduate surgeons at the...
View ArticleResearchers Found A 40 Pound Meteorite In Antarctica
Meteorite hunters at the bottom of the world bagged a rare find this southern summer: a 40-pound (18 kilogram) chunk of extraterrestrial rock.A team from Belgium and Japan discovered the hefty...
View ArticleThere Was A Mysterious Belt Of Radiation Around Earth Last Year
A ring of radiation previously unknown to science fleetingly surrounded Earth last year before being virtually annihilated by a powerful interplanetary shock wave, scientists say.NASA's twin Van Allen...
View Article'Telepathic' Lab Rats Solve A Puzzle Together
Scientists have engineered something close to a mind meld in a pair of lab rats, linking the animals' brains electronically so that they could work together to solve a puzzle. And this brain-to-brain...
View ArticleThe Sequester Will Cut Funding To Science Agencies
An $85-billion across-the-board slash to funding for federal agencies and programs is set to take effect Friday (Mar. 1), and many of the nation's top science agencies will feel the blow.The cuts,...
View Article10 Reasons We Love Lists
People like lists of things. They're everywhere on the internet. You name any subject matter you can think of, odds are there's a list about it. Nowhere is safe.Even here, on the Guardian Science...
View ArticleRare Sharks Found In Australian Waters For The First Time
A rare shark couple found for the first time off the coast of Australia may force a rethink of the species' range.Two years ago, a sport fisherman caught a pair of rare sharks off Rottnest Island in...
View ArticlePessimists Live Longer
Low expectations for a happy future might actually propel you into old age.Compared with their counterparts with a sunnier outlook, older Germans who are more pessimistic tend to live longer, healthier...
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